Gambell and past thoughts

I flew to Gambell this morning and as with most villages I thoroughly enjoy returning to these places. Gambell is a special place and my family will even join me on Friday while Sarah teaches the youth some guitar seminars.

While I was in the 1900 beachcraft this morning I had a great view of the deep green hues of the ocean landing in Savoonga before we headed over to Gambell. As summer and kayaking does it jump starts my thoughts to reflect back on the summers of 2005-2006 when I kayaked to Barrow for a friend with leukemia "Rowing for Roro". The epic journey lasted a total of 65 days, 53 days in 2005 and the rest in 2006. That time alone on the ocean carved a block of memory and lessons that won't ever go away.

The difficult parts and gut-retching pain of mental/physical anguish fade though. It's amazing how that happens. I went in search of my journal a few days ago and had a tough time finding it. It was scary because it was such an enduring time that I want to make sure the thoughts and memories are real. As a result I believe I will start copying the journal into the blog and try and write it up as best as possible.
