Rain, wind, rain, sun, rain, clouds.
I am not sure why we always comment on the weather, I suppose it's human nature or a tradition that probably dates back to ancient times. Possibly the reason we wanted to communicate in the first place to pass the time or complain about something. It's never perfect and always changes, especially in Alaska. Even when it is perfect and it stays too long, people complain about that too. Animals would likely do it if they could. Maybe they do. It's probably what the whales are really saying or what that wolf said to the bear.
Regardless of weather we had a good salmon catch upriver. Caught our limit each day and put away enough fish for the winter. Hahnah and Sarah enjoyed the river runs too, the scenery is great of course.
This week I get to bike to work at the Unalakleet clinic, only 4 miles of gravel each way but it's great. Last night I explored a little bit and it brought back memories when I used to live here. I would run up to Army Peak but this is the first time I biked it. There is some nice steep single track and good tundra up top. This is what I had hoped the Imuruk Lake trip would have been like. Knees surprisingly held up with only a little soreness today.
If the tundra is this good here though maybe I'll attempt a mountain bike trip to Shaktoolik from Unalakleet. It's about 40 miles through some hills, tundra, ponds, lagoons, brush and decent river crossings. I have kayaked that way but I always wondered what the iditarod trail looks like in the summer or fall. Maybe another little venture brewing in the ole noggin.