Sarah recently was a finalist in a small business initiative sponsored by Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation. NSEDC deserves a good plug not only because they helped Sarah but they are probably one of the few for profit companies that help this region so much; rural clean up programs, education scholarships, grants, and they even recently donated a percentage of one of their boat profits to the Bering Sea Womans Group. Very cool.
It sure was nice to get a moose last weekend. Tyler and I headed out on Saturday early squirrely and by the afternoon tracked a bull and had it packed out by early evening. Lots of work but really worth it. Tastes so good and hundreds of pounds of lean meat where you know they are not shot full of hormones and antibiotics.
I was pretty rusty but between us we did a nice job getting all the meat out properly. The meat hung for a few days then Sarah and I spent last evening and well into the early morning cutting, packing, labeling and vacuum sealing the meat for the freezer. Quite the chore, I'd much rather be exploring than hunting but glad we have meat for the winter.