That's right, once again will be raising awareness and funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through the Iditarod Trail Invitational this year!! (Check sidebars for previous stories and events for this cause) As in past years it is in lieu of my friend, a leader, a role model and a physician, Nora Nagaruk, who is kicking Leukemia where the sun don't shine.
We are at $20,000 and my goal is another $3,000. Donate here at the LLS Active website (tax deduction too)!!!
Iditarod Trail Invitational starts Feb. 28, 2010 at 2pm. I'm on a bike, hopefully more than last year. No SPOT GPS tracker so check the leaderboard to follow my progress to finish the 350 mile race to McGrath or on to Nome for the biggie 1,000 miler. No telling what can happen in this race on a bike... in snow... or frozen dirt... whatever it will be.
I dare YOU to donate to the LLS... per mile....!
!!!Thank you to my wife Sarah and daughter Hahnah for all your love & support!!!