Grand Central Valley

Drive drive drive

On Saturday I had about 4 hours to do something out in the country.  I rushed to put together my fatbike and bare essentials and drove out to Grand Central. One of my favorite valley's, my goal was to see how a fat bike would do on the "trail".  It's a very tundra, bushwacky trail to the base of mnt osbourne, the highest peak on the Seward Peninsula at ~ 4,800 ft. I did this one a number of times but last time was with a crappy bike and had a taco tire within a few miles.  I only made it half way up the valley before I ran out of time but it was great to scope out a new route... straight up the grand central river. Better than tundra whacking, high willows and thrashing the bike.  Next time will be to the top of Osbourne with the fatbike. 

Nice views up the valley

Bare essentials, which one is the mosquito repellent?? 
Straight up grand cental river

Yes the fat bike does float.....


Phil said…
Nope, waiting for you Ian.