One would think with all these wonderful pictures that it has been a summer of never ending outdoor activities and travel. While we were able to do some things I would say the summer has passed in a whirl with 120 mph work, run, work, quick family event, work, work, race, work, squeeze in family event and a little more work followed by two more races.
Earlier this spring I asked LW to recommend a couple of races to do this summer, I always intend to do a bike race in lower 48 but it never comes to fruition. I ended up doing 4 local summer races so far;
Stroke and Croak triathlon in May (1.5km swim, 4 mile run, 8 mile bike) in 1:23, a 11.2 Anvil Mnt run with 1K climb in 1 hr 15 min, a 3:20 marathon followed by a 55 min 8.1 mile race a week later. I think I am ready for biking again!
Hahnah read about Balto in her childrens book and we found out there was a statue of Balto in Central Park. Who knew!?