Variety in Weekend Rides

Tundra art or tundra junk
Snow art

Last weekend was spectacular; nice, cool and a little bit of snow.  My ride was a solid 42 miles, half the time yet the same amount as the 6 hour ride previously in the mud.  My wife and family followed in a vehicle out to salmon lake and she took the dish washer pic.  Funny and sad at the same time. 

Hahnah shivering in her fancy dress and boots.

The following weekend the weather switched to a decent storm that warmed up the temps to high 30's so it all went to mud again.  This would be miserable ride part II.  Three and half hours and only 20 miles.  You have to love the variations in ride distance with the same time and efforts.  Very similar to snow biking so I guess it's good.

These ocean shots were the day after the storm.
 I really enjoy watching the ocean (as long as I'm not in it) during storms.  On my return ride the wind shifted to the west and was blowing as a direct headwind the last couple of miles.  I was getting thrown around on the bike a bit with a max speed of 3 mph.  Needless to say I arrived into town as just as the lights went out.  Pretty cool storm. 
