Summer Shorts.. or.. Short Summer

It has been difficult to keep up on the writing lately. I just don’t feel the interest so I will post a few pictures of our latest outings and a general blah writeup (how's that for an intro).

The summer is winding down here, the tundra is turning colors and last few nights have dipped below freezing though the days have been warm. We had a good weekend doing projects, getting out for blueberries, chopping wood and some nice fires on the beach. The only interesting change from my standard bike rides, hike, kayak, rows and gym workouts was a 10 mile run last week. Sarah dropped me off at Cape Nome 10 miles from town on the way back from a beach picnic at the Last Train. It was a spontaneous event and I had only my hiking boots so it was a little awkward on the gravel road. It was such a nice day that shorts and a tee were all that was needed. It was a significant step. Since my knee damage earlier this year I stayed completely away from running. Aside from a little hamstring tightness the 1 hr 12 minutes it took felt fine and though a little slow it encouraged me to include running in my repertoire of work outs again.

I was in Savoonga yesterday for a quick day trip and snapped a few photos waiting on the runway and then of Nome when we were flying in to land (above). It was a long day and by the time I packed Hahnah on the front and a weighted backpack up Anvil mnt a few times in the evening I was pretty tired. The brisk wind and the smell of fall were sure signs that winter is coming soon again.
